Now feast our eyes are three tall mounds: Head, Belly and Feet in order. In 1991, archaeologists excavated the head mound, thus discovering the owner’s coffin and nearly 300 burial artifacts. The tomb nestles in the outer city, which reveals its special connection with age-old Yancheng. Put it another way, the deceased should belong to the aristocracy at that time. It is noteworthy that the burial objects include some ornaments and tools like pottery spinning wheels and strings of jade pearls. So, the owner should be a female. Legend says she was one of three daughters of Yan State’s Lord, whose tombs were the mounds mentioned above. Long long ago, the Lord had a kind-hearted daughter called Princess Lark. The gorgeous maiden was the apple of the royal couple. This girl fell into love with lute, chess, calligraphy and painting. Again, she sang and danced with great finesse. Above all, the much-gifted princess was diligent and beautiful. Liucheng nearby had an ambitious prince, who became the Lord Yan’s son-in-law using dishonest means. When the Lord went out one day, the hideous prince got the key to the backyard garden in the name of his wife and stole away White Jade Turtle—the treasure of Yan State. As soon as he knew the news, the Lord got furious and executed his beloved Princess Lark. Later he made clear the truth and felt full of remorse. He buried his lovely daughter once more. This is the origin of the three mounds still alive on the lips of locals.

Inside and outside Yancheng, there were once hundreds of mounds, of which Stone Grinder Mound occupied 90 mu, the largest of all. These were believed to have relations with the city defense. In 1987, archaeologists excavated Ganjia Mound, from which more than 40 potteries and celadons as well as remaining bones have ever since seen the light of day. This discovery has further proved that these mounds are all ancient tombs.
